What is FLL ?
FLL is FirstLegoLeague
When you and your team build a robot and you and your team compete against other teams. Their are 3 different portions of robotics, the research, the core values and the ROBOT game {this includes technical judging}. RESEARCH......is when you invent something according to the theme{the year 2011 was themed food factors}you pick a food and propose an invention to help make it better. CORE VALUES......you show gracious professionalism and 7 other good sport sayings, you show what you and your team can accomplish together. The judges will tell you and your team to do something with rules to see how well you can work together{it is a surprise what you do with your team and that day you can't tell anyone}.ROBOT GAME{TECHNICAL}...... building the robot and some attachments to put on to run the missions.You will program the robot to run missions{robots are called NXT mindstormes robot}.I am part of a full Robotics team{you can have 3-10 people on your team}.My name is Kaya me and my team have been through many hard times when we could not agree or we couldn't figure out something.You see 2011 was my teams first year in robotics.We have 10 people from ages 9-14.our first competition we got a little let down because we did not win anything, but we knew not to give up.We tried our hardest to improve ourselves. The next competition us Osceola Gadgets in our first year won a bid to regionals!!! My team, Osceola Gadgets is crazy and anxious and I know all of my team{3 girls-7 boys}feels the way I do about them,I am very passionate for them we have been through so many things together that they are my very best friends it feels like we are bonded together.I am one of the girls on my robotics team there is a video that you can watch of me and my team dressed up right before going in to reserch at one of the competitions.{I am the one in the pink dress.}
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